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Hey, Fellow People!

Hello, Everyone. I have a post called Question of the Week and it hasn't been changed for AGES. So, if you're visiting this blog,(which you are) please post an answer at that post. You don't need to it's just that i'd REALLY like to change it but I can't yet because I haven's got any answers yet! Once I have gotten at least 10 comments, I will get it up and runnin' again with fresh new Questions every week! Well, keep on bloggin'!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weird but True facts About me

I DON'T have a girlfriend
I never had my own room until I was about nine and a half
I started to get video games when I was seven
I started singing in the SFBC (San Francisco Boys Chorus) when I was FIVE YEARS OLD
I have a friend named Sophia and we have known each other since we were one year old
I have a friend named Marcus that moved away to Texas but then came back two to three years later, but he still lives about three hours away
I moved into a condominium about a year and a half ago
Chiekh, Maafi's son is my friend
I used to have three cats but one of them died
I have a DSi XL, a Wii, and an iPod and I used to have a Gameboy Advance SP, DSi, and DS lite
I do not have a brother or a sister
I try to be a comedian, but fail mostly
I rarely see movies in a theatre
I was thinking of dropping out of nea last year
Most of my family died in an american bombing in Japan

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