Hello, my fellow web surfers! This post will have info on my trips, such as going to North Carolina to see my granny and granddaddy and going on tour with the SFBC(San Francisco Boys Chorus) in June to VANCOUVER BABY!!!! Anyways, there's also the Marin Headlands! Here I found tons of stuff such as abandoned bunkers used in World War II, and one of the floors was broken in one of them. But the coolest part was that I got 2 deer on video! It's going to be in another post because this post can't get that big. Until my tour, ADVENTURE ON!!!!
An amazing view, also with a secret cave! |
A very old lookout or gun tower that my mom used to go and visit when she was little |
A very old but amazing looking landscape. {It's pretty eroded, so I had to keep my distance from the edge IT'S SO CREEPY!!!! |
Isn't that edge creepy? |
Looks like a small small town of some sort. |
Looks like some people spray painted on some graffiti on the back of the watch tower |
My mom remebers old times. |
Now, these guys are REALLY dumb, because the slightest small step, and they're dead |
Why so much graffiti? |
Sneaky me. :P |
I am chillin' at the watchtower or gun tower. |
My mom looks at the graffiti and "blends in" with it. |
Now THAT, is what I call a gun tower. |
Cool! a little fuzzy caterpillar! |
A beach next to the town. Cool! |
Looks like this base has almost met its last battle. |
Yuck! I ain't goin in there. |
Dang. what is that stuff? wires? |
Looks like there's alot of doors. |
Put up ya dukes. put em up! Put em up! |
Yo. :P |
A strange doppler tower. |
Ooh, look! a little beach! |
A very old bunker. I've seen worse. |
If you're looking at this, then yes you are. :D |
HELP ME! I'M STUCK IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!!! |
WOW. That is oooone broken ceiling. |
Hm. Doesn't look that bad. |
WOW. I do not know what happened here. |
Cool grafitti. |
Now THAT'S what I call ALOT of graffiti. |
Okay, now this place looks like a huge jail cell. |
DAAAAAAAANG!!!!!! I'm saying about a 549-pounder lived here. |
Another secret passage. |
I wonder what this place was used for. |
I take a chill pill. |
That's what I call an amazing view of San Francisco. |
That bridge just gives me the creeps. |
That is ooone big rock mountain. |
That's the light house. I didn't get to actually go to it. BIG BUMMER. |
There's more of San Francisco. |
I think that's where the ranger lives. |
That's a Harbor Seal. It's kind of hard to see, because it was so far away. I was actually very lucky to get this good a picture. |
This is actually a really old dock. I thought it was a railroad track at first. |
That's a good cliffside shot. |
This is a place where we could've stayed the night at. |